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Mo: "Ever since FXB changed my life, I'd like to help, too"

Mo, former FXB trainee

Whether they are displaced, refugees or without legal status, Burmese migrants often live in very precarious situations. This is the case of Mo who grew up in a slum on the outskirts of Yangon. Because her family was too poor to pay for her education, Mo’s schooling was chaotic and she found herself, at the dawn of her 15th year, working in very poor conditions and for a pittance in a textile factory.

It was at her neighbourhood community house that Mo spotted a call for applications for the next academic year at the FXB Vocational Training Centre in Shwe Pyi Thar. The young girl completed her first basic training as a seamstress and then followed a three-year specialized course to become a weaver. With her diploma in her pocket, Mo began to take marketing courses at the University while launching her own weaving workshop where she sells high quality fabrics. She is proud to be able to help her mother provide for the family.

Mo had the desire to help vulnerable teenagers in her country and, in addition to her business, she is a part-time instructor in the FXB Mobile Vocational Training Units that travel to remote areas for one term to train 25 young women per training session as seamstresses.