Vision & Mission
FXB International is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that has been fighting against extreme poverty for over 30 years.
Children’s rights are at the heart of FXB’s actions, and each of its programs is a response to the concrete implementation – in the daily lives of children – of their rights as defined by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted on November 20, 1989.
Its programs contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which aim to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger worldwide by 2030.
A world where everyone has a chance not only to survive, but also to thrive.
Our challenge
What is extreme poverty?
800 million people today live on less than $1.90 a day.
Poverty is often defined in absolute terms of monetary income. But poverty is multidimensional. People living in poverty face a variety of complex challenges such as malnutrition, disease, lack of income, poor or unsanitary housing, illiteracy, lack of clean water, and adverse weather conditions. vision mission FXB
Women empowerment, a priority
Fighting poverty also means fighting all kind of discrimination in general, including gender discrimination and balancing relations between men and women so that women, who are more exposed to poverty, can have access to the same economic and social opportunities.
FXB develops programs that complement each other and promote respect for fundamental human rights and social justice. Our activities thus strengthen the capacity of the communities in which FXB intervenes. vision mission FXB
Our holistic approach
Fragmented intervention is not an adequate solution to eradicate the multiple causes of poverty. FXB provides families with the tools to become socially and economically independent. Our success is based on the innovative model of our VillageFXB Community and Economic Development programs.
Our Model, initiated in 1991, allows us to provide, in three years, a comprehensive response to the fundamental causes of poverty by simultaneously acting on its predominant factors such as nutrition, health, education, housing, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), as well as economic empowerment through seed capital given to participants to develop their micro-enterprises.
Our 5 areas of focus
FXB operates in five areas: