Distinctions and prizes awared to Albina du Boisrouvray
2019 : the Board of Directors of the Jodhpur School of Public Health in India awarded Albina the Excellence in Global Public Health Diplomacy Award in recognition of her outstanding work in Rajasthan since 1996.
2017 : the European Center of Music in Bougival (France) inscribed her name in the Academy of Honor constituted in the name of the therapeutic benefits of Music.
2016 : Albina was conferred the French distinction “Officer of the Legion of Honor.” Highest decoration bestowed in France, the latter rewards the extent and quality of Albina du Boisrouvray’s tireless action in favor of the poor over the past 27 years.
2014 : In India, Albina received the Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) Humanitarian Award. This price honors and recognizes individuals with exceptionally high contribution to the society in various fields relating to social issues and who have distinguished themselves as true humanitarians.
2011 : Frederic Mitterrand, the French Minister of Culture and Communication, made her “Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres”.
2009 : Awarding of the BNP Paribas Special Jury Prize to mark the 20th anniversary of FXB International’s work with AIDS orphans and vulnerable children. The prize of 50,000 Euros, awarded by Michel Pébereau, Chairman of BNP Paribas, recognises men and women who are remarkable for their ethics, their personal involvement and the exemplary nature of their actions.
2009 : the French President, Mr Nicolas Sarkozy, presented Albina du Boisrouvray the insignia of Officer in l’Ordre National du Mérite. During his speech, the President honoured the work and commitment of Albina du Boisrouvray: “Your NGO is a model throughout the world. You are a committed woman. Your solidarity is exemplary and that is why the Republic will honour you“.
2008 : the French TV Channel 5 devoted a full documentary within its “Empreintes” Collection to Albina du Boisrouvray. “On behalf of the son” directed by Olivier Horn, produced by Gedeon Programs and France 5, was filmed in Thailand, Burma and from Uganda to the Swiss Alps, following Albina and meeting beneficiaries of her programs. It goes back to the roots of her exceptional career, reveals her conception of humanitarianism and sheds light on the meaning of her commitments. This film is the witness of a unique destiny marked by the gift of self, the convictions of a committed woman, the courage and love of a mother.
2007 : The French “Fédération nationale des Clubs Convergences” gave her an award for her activities on behalf of orphans and vulnerable children affected by AIDS in the world.
2004 : Award of the prestigious “Thai Komol Keemthong Foundation Award of Outstanding Personality 2004” for the work undertaken since the early 1990s in Thailand and Myanmar.
2003 : Albina du Boisrouvray received the “Lifetime Achievement Award” at the 4th International Conference on AIDS in India, in recognition for the projects that she initiated in the 35 States and Territories of India.
2003: The Rutgers University (previously the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey) conferred upon her a “Doctor of Humane Letters Degree”.
2002 : Albina received the North-South Prize from the Council of Europe together with Xanana Gusmão, President of East Timor. The North-South Prize is awarded each year to two persons, one from the North, one from the South, who have actively contributed to the development and defense of the rights of the individual, pluralist democracy, and the partnership between North and South.
2002: Thanks to the innovative projects she creates and leads within FXB, Albina was one of the first 30 members of the Schwab Foundation’s “Social Entrepreneurs Group”. This recognition allows the group’s social entrepreneurs to participate in the World Economic Forum in Davos to present and share their expertise with world leaders in politics, business, civil society and the public sector.
2001 : Albina was made “Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur” by the French Government for her pioneering work in palliative care projects (FXB Palliative Home Care Centers are located in Paris, France and in Sion, Switzerland).
2001: Harvard students presented her with the “Harvard Project for International Health and Development Award”.
1999 : Special Recognition Award for “Responding to the HIV/AIDS Orphan crisis” at the second conference on Global Strategies for the prevention of HIV transmission from mothers to infants in Montreal.
1996 : Albina was made a “John Harvard Fellow” by Harvard University.
1993 : Title of “Doctor of Humane Letters” by the University of Michigan.
1985 : Albina was awarded the “Ordre des Arts et des Lettres” with the rank of knight and became the first film producer to receive the “Ordre National du Mérite”.
FXB International is a non-governmental organization with over 30 years of history in breaking the cycle of poverty.