Mission start 1998
Mission End 2004
Impacted population 2,500

Lifting families out of extreme poverty


Bolivia is one of the poorest countries in South America. One out of 8 Bolivians lives with less than 1,25 $ per day.

The most vulnerable are women and children living in rural areas, as well as indigenous people. Over 22% of Bolivians don’t have access to potable water, and 73% don’t have access to basic sanitary services.

FXB in action

In the rural town of Machacamarca, located in the State of Oruro, environmental conditions exacerbate hardships. High altitude, low temperatures and lack of fertile land hamper subsistence farming and, in the absence of other sources of income, jeopardize individuals’ ability to survive.

Launched in 1998, the FXB Women’s project was designed to improve the quality of life of women in Machacamarca through a comprehensive community-based program that addressed the needs of destitute families and the community as a whole.

Mission impact

Many activities have been put in place:

  • Development of income-generating activities (IGAs) to enable families to generate sufficient income and achieve food security: raising poultry, launching a community bakery and developing greenhouse crops in order to overcome environmental obstacles and facilitate vegetable production in this locality located at an altitude of nearly 4,000 meters.
  • Development of beneficiaries’ necessary skills to run IGAs in a sustainable and efficient manner
  • Training and sensitization of the community on health-related issues, reproductive health, hygiene, sustainable community development or environmental protection.

Established in a participatory manner that promotes local ownership, the FXB Women’s project is now entirely led and managed by the community.


FXB has been a turning point in my family's life: my wife and I work, my children go to school and even dream of going to university!
