Mission start 2017
Mission End 2018
Impacted population 10,000

Improving nutritional practices in the municipality of Nobere


In Burkina Faso, respectively 27.3% and 7.6% (National Nutritional Survey, 2016) of children under 5 years of age are suffering from chronic and acute malnutrition due mainly to inadequate nutrition and diseases.

In response to this, a national strategy has been deployed to improve Young Child Diet and Nutrition (YCDN) practices.

FXB in action

Conducted in partnership with the Morija Association, the overall objective of this project was to improve the nutritional status and practices of the inhabitants of the commune of Nobéré in Burkina Faso, especially targeting women and children.

A major effort was also made to raise awareness of good nutritional practices among several thousand inhabitants through various channels, such as the cinema and forum theatre.

Our work in Burkina Faso was made possible thanks to the support and trust of the Orange Foundation.


Mission impact

The project provided an integrated package of Young Child Diet and Nutrition (YCDN) services to 840 pregnant women, or mothers of young children aged 0-23 months, in 28 villages of Nobéré. 86 malnourished children were rehabilitated at the Morija Nutritional Recovery and Education Centre, in accordance with WHO instructions. In addition, and in order to improve access to sources of micronutrients among the population, an infant flour production unit has been set up and 240 women have been trained in the preparation these flour.


When Mohamadi's parents came to the CREN, he was 14 days old and weighed 670 grams. Two weeks after his admission, the scales gave their verdict: 830 grams. Four months after his first visit to the CREN, during his check-up, Mohamadi weighed 4 kg 250! He was going to pull through!

Josée, nurse